5 Foods Dog Owners Need to Watch Out for During the Fall Season

Fall is finally here! The weather is cooling down and the holidays are just around the corner! Although we can look forward to the sweet treats that come with the holidays, our pets, unfortunately, cannot share all of them with us. Pumpkin pies, snickerdoodles, and most Fall treats can be harmful and even toxic to dogs, so as their loyal humans, we need to make sure that we are keeping in mind what is safe or unsafe to give them!

Here are 5 Fall staples that you need to avoid giving your dog, along with some easy alternatives to help keep your furry friends safe!


  1. Thanksgiving turkey – This main dish may contain sharp bones that could injure your pup, and the added spices can cause digestive problems and other health issues.
    • Instead -> try unseasoned/plain turkey! This will be a good, protein-rich snack that your dog will love!
  2. Apple Pie – Pies contain a lot of sugars and fats that are harmful to dogs.
    • Instead -> try apples! This is a low-calorie treat packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can aid in digestion and it can even keep your pets’ teeth clean and breath smelling fresh! It’s a win-win! Just remember to remove the core and seeds because they contain toxins.
  3. Pumpkin Spice Lattes – Coffee drinks can be fatal to dogs, so make sure to avoid giving these to your pup!
    • Instead -> try plain, unsweetened pumpkin! This is full of fiber and low in calories.
  4. Eggnog – The spices, raw eggs, and dairy within eggnog can harm your pet’s digestive system.
    • Instead -> try cooked sweet potatoes! These contain numerous health benefits for your pup like vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Make sure to peel them and serve them plain, without any seasonings!
  5. Halloween Candy – Candies, especially chocolate, can be fatal to dogs because of artificial sweeteners, fats, and added sugars. According to PetMD, chocolate contains methylxanthines, which dogs are much more sensitive to than humans. So, make sure to keep that extra candy out of your pup’s reach!
    • Instead -> try peanut butter! Most dogs go crazy over peanut butter, which is filled with fiber and protein. Just make sure to avoid peanut butters with extra added sugar!


Your furry friend is sure to be #thankful for these dog-friendly sweet treats! But, if your dog does consume any unsafe or toxic foods, find your nearest emergency veterinary hospital, or call the Pet Poison Helpline (855-213-6680)!

Always make sure to check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new people-foods, or if you have any questions about their diet! Your dog’s age, diet, allergies, health, and history can all impact which foods are safe for them individually.

Happy Fall!


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