View the prices, services and affordable pet vaccinations that we provide here.
Dog Vaccination Packages / Puppy Packages
Cat Vaccination Packages / Kitten Packages
Dog Vaccinations Individual Prices
Questions about what affordable pet vaccinations your dog needs? Check out our dog vaccination guide here!
$10 – Rabies
$28 – DHPP (Distemper/Parvovirus Combo)
$20 – Leptospirosis
$18 – Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
$43 – Canine Influenza (Bivalent)
$29 – Heartworm Test
Dog Vaccination Packages
$69 – BETTER – Just Vax Yearly Package – All Vaccinations Recommended Anually – Rabies, DHPP, Lepto & Bordetella
$84 – BEST – Dog Yearly Complete Package – Rabies, DHPP, Lepto & Bordetella INCLUDING Heartworm Test
Heartworm Prevention*
ProHeart 6 Injectable (6 months):
<25lbs – $45
26-50lbs – $60
51-75lbs – $75
76-100lbs – $90
ProHeart 12 Injectable (12 months):
<25lbs – $70
26-50lbs – $95
51-75lbs – $120
76-100lbs – $145
Triheart Plus (6 months):
<25lbs – $35
26-50lbs – $40
50-100 lbs – $47
*A heartworm test is required within the past 30 days to prescribe heartworm prevention.
Puppy Packages (6 weeks – 5 months)
Not sure which package your puppy needs? Visit our puppy vaccination guide here (and feel free to contact us with any questions!).
$45 – Puppy #1 (DHPP, deworm, & Heartworm prevention)
$65 – Puppy #2 (Puppy #1 plus Bordetella and Leptospirosis)
$70 – Puppy #3 (Rabies, DHPP, Lepto , deworm and Heartworm Prevention)*
*please note if your puppy has not received Puppy #2 from us, we may need to give the Bordetella vaccine with Puppy #3.
Cat Vaccinations Individual Prices
$10 – Rabies
$30 – FVRCP Combo
$34 – Feline Leukemia (FeLV)
Cat Vaccination Packages
$70 – GOOD VALUE – Cat Yearly Vaccinations – (Rabies,FVRCP, FeLV)
$109 – BEST VALUE – Cat Yearly Vaccinations PLUS Flea/Tick/Heartworm Prevention – (Rabies,FVRCP, FeLV, Bravecto Plus)
Kitten Packages (6 weeks – 5 months)
$38 – Kitten #1 – (FVRCP, deworm)
$63 – Kitten #2 (FVRCP, FeLV, deworm)
$68 – Kitten #3 (Rabies, FVRCP, FeLV, deworm)
Flea and Tick Prevention
Bravecto for Dogs Flea and Tick Tablet – Flea/Tick protection for 3 months – Effective and Easy – $69 / $71 / $72 /$74 / $75 – ( 4.4-9.9lbs / 9.9-22lbs / 22-44lbs / 44-88lbs / 88-132lbs )
Bravecto 1 Month Tablet Flea/Tick Prevention (Safe for Puppies!) – $23 (4.4-22lbs) / $24 (22-88lbs)
Bravecto Plus FOR CATS – Flea/Tick/Heartworm Preventative for 2 months. All sizes only $49!
Preventative Pet Health Care
$35 – Microchip (including tax)
$30/$40/$50 – Tapeworm Injection – <25 lbs/ 25-50 lbs / >50lbs
We sell many other products that we do not carry on site but can order and deliver by mail. Please ask for pricing!
View our locations here to see when we’re offering vaccinations near you!
We take Credit, Debit & Cash (No Checks)
What Affordable Pet Vaccinations Does My Pet Need?
If your pet has not had vaccinations in at least a year, then we recommend our full annual package ($84 for dogs, or $60 for cats). We also recommend purchasing heartworm preventative.
Depending on your pet’s environment and other risk factors, we can break that down into whatever affordable pet vaccinations plan fits you and your loved ones.
Stay informed about the risks your pets face and the affordable pet vaccinations they need to stay safe. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 817-282-1000, email us at, drop a message on Facebook (, or just stop by one of our affordable pet vaccination clinics (no appointment required!). We’re always happy to help!
Rabies Vaccination
While Rabies isn’t common in domestic animals in the United States, immunization for rabies in dogs and cats is required by law in every US state. Rabies has always been a problem in the south, especially in Texas, which accounted for about 20% of rabid dogs in 2014.
Raccoons, bats, foxes, and skunks are the biggest carriers of rabies, all of which are either prevalent or present in Texas. Rabies vaccinations can be labeled for 1-year or 3-year prevention. Local legislation can require that pets be vaccinated annually, but there are no laws requiring 3-year over 1-year immunization.
Low Cost Pet Vax administers 1-year vaccinations only, which we are able to use across the country.
DHPP Vaccination
DHPP, also known as the canine distemper parvo vaccination, is the most common combination vaccine given to dogs. The initials stand for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo and Parainfluenza.
The most important diseases that the vaccination immunizes against are Distemper and Parvo. Both are common and deadly diseases, and especially in the southern states and other areas across the US.
Canine distemper is a very contagious disease caused by a virus and spread by airborne (coughing, sneezing) and contact transmission. It is often fatal and there is no cure. Puppies and unvaccinated dogs are at the highest risk, and can catch the disease when they contacting other infected dogs or their respiratory secretions (such as from sneezing or coughing). Many mammals, such as foxes and raccoons, can contract canine distemper. In fact, the disease killed lions, tigers and other big cats in a Dallas wild animal sanctuary just a couple of years ago. Fortunately, this disease is extremely preventable – all it takes is regular vaccinations, starting when puppies hit around 6 to 8 weeks of age.
Texas is one of the four states that struggle the most with the deadly parvo virus. Parvovirus spreads when unvaccinated dogs come into contact with feces or vomit from infected dogs, which can even contaminate soil for long periods of time. Due to the contagiousness and nature of the virus, parvo usually shows up in outbreaks (such as an outbreak in 2015 that killed dogs in Northwest Texas or a 2016 outbreak in Central Texas). Dog shelters will typically euthanize pets that are positive for parvo, just because of the risk of having it spread through the facility. It’s costly and difficult to treat, but vaccines are highly effective and will protect your dog affordably and safely.
Hepatitis & Parainfluenza
The other two diseases that DHPP immunizes against are not as common, but still pose a threat. Hepatitis is an acute liver infection which while hepatitis is not as serious as distemper and parvo; and Parainfluenza is a cause of Kennel Cough.
Bordetella Vaccination
Bordetella, also known as kennel cough, is the canine version of the common cold. Many groomers and kennels require that dogs be vaccinated, as it’s highly contagious and can quickly spread wherever dogs congregate. Pets can also be exposed to Bordetella at dog parks, doggie daycares, or even the vet’s office.
Bordetella usually results in symptoms such as mild coughing and sneezing, a mild fever, and discharges from pets’ nose and eyes. Bordetella can also develop into pneumonia in severe cases, usually in puppies, old dogs or dogs whose immune systems may be weakened from stress, disease, or poor nutrition.
We vaccinate for Bordetella in our annual packages. Especially if your dog regularly boards at boarding kennels or goes to the groomer, we strongly recommend getting vaccinated every 6 months to prevent the disease.
Heartworm Test and Prevention
Heartworm disease, spread by the bite of infected mosquitos, is a big problem in Texas, which is one of the few states where heartworm can be a problem year round. Heartworms are difficult and expensive to treat, but relatively simple to prevent.
Before getting heartworm preventative medication for your dog, we recommend getting a heartworm test. The heartworm test will check if your already has Heartworm Disease, heartworms currently present in your dog. We can perform the test on-site after drawing a small amount of blood. This test can tell us whether or not your dog has adult heartworms, however, the test cannot detect the immature stages of the heartworm.
It takes a minimum of 6 months for heartworms to reach the adult stage and thus be detectable. Therefore we recommend getting a second heartworm test again 6 months later if your dog has been off preventative for a long period of time, especially if he or she has been exposed to mosquitoes.
If your dog tests as negative for heartworm, we can provide Proheart 6, a heartworm preventative injectable, or Iverheart Plus, a heartworm preventative in the form of monthly tablets, on-site. We also have many other heartworm preventative options available that we can ship to your address if they better fit your needs.
Heartworm Disease Treatment
If your dog tests positive for heartworms, then we highly recommend going to and being treated at a traditional veterinary clinic. At this time we don’t treat heartworms, but we can go over your options and provide you with information about treatment. Some dogs are at more risk than others, and dogs can sometimes live for years without showing signs of heartworms, but in nearly all cases heartworms will prove to be fatal within a couple years. You can find more information about heartworms here.
(Note: While cats can also get heartworm, it’s extremely rare, and they aren’t the natural host for the parasites. However, prevention can protect them from any exposure to parasites which many cause damage.)
Leptospirosis Vaccination
While Texas has little history of leptospirosis, unfortunately, it is starting to make a resurgence in urban and suburban areas, largely from carriers such as rats, mice, and raccoons.
Lepto is a fatal disease spread when dogs are exposed to water infected by carrier urine. While Lepto has been more of a concern with country dogs, as they’ve traditionally been near standing bodies of water in places with lots of rural wildlife, we see it in urban areas as well.
Rats and mice have brought lepto into the suburbs, and we highly recommend that you vaccinate against it if you have any of the typical suburban critters in your area.
While rare, lepto is usually deadly and unless the disease is caught early, fatal. It’s also one of the few diseases that humans can catch, and if untreated can result in death.
Influenza Vaccination
Canine influenza is a contagious respiratory infection in dogs emerging in the US. It’s a relatively new virus, meaning that nearly all dogs will get sick from exposure with no natural immunity.
Dogs are most at risk if they’re around a lot of other dogs. Doggie day cares, dog parks, groomers, or kennels can all be infection hot spots.
The disease has a low mortality rate, and is uncommon, but still a risk especially for racing and show dogs. The vaccination is usually recommended for dogs that are at high-risk and in areas where there is likely to be or has been an outbreak.
We mainly recommend deworming for puppies, as it’s not much of a problem in older dogs (unless you are seeing some significant signs that hookworms or roundworms are definitely there).
Nearly all puppies have worms, usually transferred either from their mother’s milk or while they’re still in the womb. Deworming is a simple and painless treatment that can prevent some serious issues caused by hookworms and roundworms.
We provide dewormer in our standard puppy packages.
Tapeworm Injection
Tapeworms are less common than hookworms and roundworms, but far more visible. If you’ve ever seen what looks like small grains of rice in your dog’s fecal matter, then your dog has tapeworms.
While tapeworms can be gross, they won’t harm your dog other than possibly causing some mild irritation to your dog’s rear end.
However, if you’d like to get rid of the irritant, then a one-time injection treats them simply and effectively.
Puppies are in more danger, and if you suspect that they have tapeworms it’s important to treat as soon as possible.
Affordable Pet Vaccinations & Pet Health Information
We believe in keeping people informed about general pet health and the (most affordable) options available to them as pet owners.
If you have any questions you’d like answered about general pet health information, specific affordable pet vaccinations that your pet might need, or other questions about Low Cost Pet Vax, then feel free to contact us! We can provide everything from general pet health information to news about low cost pet vaccinations and health care in your area.
A lot goes into keeping your pet healthy and happy, but it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg! Contact us to learn more about how to give your loved ones the affordable pet vaccinations, attention and care they deserve.
Have questions? Call us at 817-282-1000 or contact us here.